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February 13, 2009

Update Blog…Belanja Ilmu ‘n refresing **POS “Point Of Sales”**

October 17, 2008

Lama juga vacum g’blog..yah saya paksakan untuk g’blog lagi. Tugas saya untuk mencari dan memprogram aplikasi POS untuk teman saya belom selesai, setelah cari-cari digoogle mayoritas bayar akhirnya saya jalan ke Toko Gunung Agung untuk mencari aplikasi POS akhirnya dapet juga buatan dari bamboomedia .Kategori software paling murah Cukup hanya Rp,- 85.000 aplikasi POS unlimited sudah didapatkan.

Testing Software interface bagus multiuser, Saya baru pertamakali bisa menggunakannya. Tanpa harus baca manual book’s. Coba saja cocok buat UKM, mini koprasi ‘n dll.

Karena saya kalo melihat ilmu, tangan terasa gatal untuk membeli yah disamping cek keuangan juga tentunya. Sekalian deh beli movie jadul…

sudah segitu saja dahulu nanti diteruskan kembali. *Maghrib nih*


Buber alumni angkatan 2003

September 13, 2008

Buka puasa bersama di Lippo karawaci Footcore *awal’y* banyak juga yg dateng antara lain : Fitry, Rosma, Nanik, Nani, Aan *ga lama*, Lingga, Erny, Ida, Indra, Priyanto, Asru, Oky, Zuki, Hasan, Hendi, dan Saya sendiri.

Untuk pertama kali acara bingung mau makan dimana, yah akhir’y minum Wenddy’s dan makan di Solaria. Hmmmm pas2 lagi lom gajian.

*Foto’y menyusul*


Migrasi blog

August 18, 2008

Sudah lama saya ingin migrasi dari yang gratis ke yang gratis juga tentunya. Maklum, secara wordpress belom full access untuk beberapa hal. Perpindahan blog berawal dari surfing di internet tentunya om google
melihat free hosting saya coba register untuk fasilitas sudah memadai, kelemahanya : tidak bisa membuat database lebih dari tiga.

Jadi tunggu apa lagi..


have birthday my honey はちみつは私の誕生日

July 7, 2008

Selamat Ulang Tahun cinta … semoga apa-apa yang diinginkan tercapai dengan bertambah umur bertambah juga kedewasaan, ilmunya dan Agamanya.

Belajar dari sesuatu yang kecil, yang mendatangkan sesuatu yang besar. Semangat kunci meraih kesuksesan.



Kopdar Id-Anime….

July 2, 2008

Pengen tahu wajah-wajah para Id-Anime a.k.a homok, jadi saya berangkat sama obyt3 kira2 jam 17:10 sambil muter-muter dulu liat pemandangan indah.

Sampai didaerah gedung cyber, kita mampir dulu kemasjid bertemu cangwadi dan vicong. Sambil menuju TKN, lama-lama datang, Juragan, Blek, Amer, Lurkad, Deden, Budi zainer, Nigh shift, yopy, Mi, Nia, misaky..dan saya sendiri *maaf ada yg belom disebutin sapayah*.

Awalnya saya sendiri juga kaget, nih blek apa toa ga ada bodongnya kali yah :P. sambil ceng sana ceng sini yang ga jelas gitu,dari bahas PNS ampe donlen…ember.

Oh ya …SELAMAT buat Deden yang baru saja maried moga langgeng Dunia Akhirat dan juga Cangwadi yg baru berganti umur kira2 yg ke-18?…Amnesia…wkakakak

Maju terus Id-Anime….tn’x traktira’y

*ngetik dg mata merah*


Upgrade HDD 250G…

June 19, 2008

Syukur Alhamdulillah, akhirnya saya bisa Upgrade HDD 250 G setelah sekian lama menunggu baru bisa sekarang terealisasi sekarang.dipasaran untuk HDD 250 G @ Rp 540.000 dan HDD 320 G @ 695.000. Say yonara to HDD lastime, y’r now resign n’ y’r to backup.tn’x to HDD.


STIP…….what ??

June 17, 2008

STIP @ Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pereman…..Pagi tadi Saya melihat di salah satu station TV, premanisme muncul lagi mau jadi apa sih sekolah dalam Negri kita. Sekolah yang dibanggakan menjadi tempat untuk para preman berkumpul, gimana mau benar bangsa ini kalo generasi mudanya saja sudah begitu Hayoooo…pukul lagi dah pagi” dialog STIP … hmmmm…pantes Bangsa ini jadi hancur, tukang peres, tukang palag, dll.

Kasus seperti SPDN muncul kembali, menguak kasus lama yang dibentengi oleh pejabat tinggi dan aparat pemerintah. menetang-mentang dekingan kuat gaya bak berkuasa “Halah lo berani pukul ade kelas…coba pukul diri lo sendiri dah kaya Orang bener ja” curhat isi hati saya melihat gaya premanisme.


Kung fu Panda ….

June 15, 2008


Po (Jack Black) is a panda who works in the noodle restaurant owned by his goose father Mr. Ping (James Hong). He is also a kung fu fanatic with secret dreams of becoming a great master in the discipline, but Po’s defining characteristic appears to be that he is the clumsiest of all the animals in ancient China. Mr. Ping hopes that Po will one day take over the restaurant.

The tortoise Master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim) has a premonition that the evil snow leopard warrior Tai Lung (Ian McShane), the former student of his own protégé Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman), will escape from prison and return to menace the Valley of Peace. While Shifu sends Zeng (Dan Fogler), a messenger goose, to Chorh-Gom Prison to have the security increased, Oogway orders a formal ceremony to choose the mighty Dragon Warrior who can defeat Tai Lung. Everyone assumes that one of the Furious Five — Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu), and Crane (David Cross) — a quintet of supremely skilled martial artists trained by Shifu, will be chosen for this honor.

While the Five demonstrate their skills at the ceremony, Po finds himself locked outside the walled palace square. He attempts desperately to gain entry through a series of increasingly foolhardy methods. He finally does get over the wall by making a chair out of fireworks, lighting them and waiting for Oogway to choose the Dragon Warrior. Suddenly the chair zooms into the air with Po and burns up, leaving the charred panda to crash into the center of the arena. Inspired by this sudden appearance, the old master designates Po the Dragon Warrior to everyone’s shock. Despite Po’s protests and Shifu’s pleas to reconsider, Oogway stands by his decision.

Alarmed at having this slovenly and obese noodle vendor with no martial arts training whatsoever under his tutelage, Shifu attempts to discourage Po by berating and humiliating him into leaving, including threatening to use the apparently deadly “Wuxi Finger Hold” on him. The Five, profoundly disappointed at being upstaged by the panda, similarly dismiss Po as a worthless interloper. Although he becomes aware of Shifu’s true intentions and is deeply hurt by his heroes’ disdain for him, Po endures their abuse willingly for the growing dream to become something better than the failure he thinks he is, gradually earning some sympathy from them. In addition, Master Oogway, still certain that the clumsy panda is the right choice, strengthens Po with sage advice to encourage the panda to believe in himself. Eventually, the affable Po endears himself to the Five (except for Tigress) with his tireless tenacity, good cooking, and sense of humor.

Meanwhile, Zeng’s errand backfires disastrously when a tour of the prison given to him by the overly confident head of security, Commander Vachir (Michael Clarke Duncan), inadvertently enables Tai Lung to escape — overwhelming numerous rhinoceros prison guards. Tai Lung orders Zeng to send word of his arrival. In the Valley of Peace, Oogway passes away, his final wish that Shifu train Po. However, upon learning of Tai Lung’s return, the death of the tortoise who is the only one to have defeated him, and realizing that he has to face such a villain without any skill in fighting, Po attempts to flee, only to be stopped by Shifu who realizes that the panda must be trained. Unfortunately, when Po confesses his deep self-loathing and the fact that he will never be a match for Tai Lung, Shifu is at a loss for a solution. In the meantime, the Five take it upon themselves to intercept Tai Lung, especially Tigress, who is confident in her training. After a long night of pondering, Shifu discovers the following morning that Po is capable of impressive physical feats when motivated by food. Realizing that he has found the right focus for the panda, Shifu leads Po to the countryside for a intensive training regime in which Po is offered food as a reward for learning his lessons properly. Thus motivated, Po learns swiftly and finally becomes a talented martial artist in his own right.

The Five battle Tai Lung but are eventually beaten and paralyzed with a specialized nerve-striking technique. When they return defeated, Shifu finally decides Po is ready to take the villain on and gives him the sacred Dragon Scroll, which promises great power to the possessor. When Po opens it, he finds nothing but a blank reflective surface. Stricken with despair at the scroll’s apparent worthlessness, Shifu orders his students to evacuate the village while he stays to delay Tai Lung from pursuing them for as long as he can.

As Po participates in the evacuation, he comes across his father, who tries to cheer him up by telling him the secret ingredient of the family’s popular noodle soup: nothing. Things become special, he explains, because people believe them to be special. Realizing that this truth is the very point of the Dragon Scroll, that the power promised is already inside him, Po rushes off to help Shifu. At this time, Tai Lung confronts Shifu and savagely beats him for his perceived betrayal of not arguing with Master Oogway’s rejection of Tai Lung as Dragon Warrior. Tai Lung also wants the Dragon Scroll for himself. For his part, Shifu is crippled by his profound feelings of guilt and responsibility for his former protégé, whom he loved like a son, turning to evil.

Before Tai Lung can kill his former mentor, Po arrives to challenge him. Although the snow leopard scoffs at the fat panda being the Dragon Warrior, the ensuing fight proves Po to be an extremely formidable opponent. Despite Po’s skill, Tai Lung temporarily stuns him and gains the Dragon Scroll, but is aghast when he examines it, unable to understand its symbolism. As he recovers, Po strikes a critical blow on Tai Lung’s spirit when he reveals his comprehension of the deeper wisdom of the scroll, a comprehension that the villain cannot match or understand. Now deeply frustrated with an apparently useless prize and facing a superior enemy, Tai Lung tries to subdue Po with his nerve strikes. However, the attack proves useless on the panda, as his body fat protects his nerves. Emboldened, Po effectively counter-attacks with a unique improvised combat style that takes advantage of his girth to absorb and deflect the force from Tai Lung’s attacks back at him. In the end, Po uses the Wuxi Finger Hold on Tai Lung (which he claims to have learned on his own), destroying him with a devastating explosion that ripples through the valley.

The Five return to the valley to investigate the cause of the explosion and find a slightly dazed but triumphant Po. Deeply impressed at Po’s victory, Tigress leads the Five to acknowledge the panda as a Kung Fu master. The villagers, including Po’s father, follow suit and hail Po as a hero. Po remembers his teacher is wounded, and rushes back to Shifu, who is now finally at peace, though he is not dead — he is only resting after such a trying battle. Po lays on the floor with him for a few seconds, then finally asks if he would like to go and get something to eat; Shifu takes him up on the offer.

At the end of the credit scroll, Po and Shifu are seen eating together by a peach tree. A peach seed planted by Shifu earlier on in the film has begun to sprout beside them.

sumber:kung fu panda


Sakit Mata…

June 11, 2008

Mata merah, Bengkak, dan Kepala pusing apa lagi kalo bukan “Sakit Mata “ . Dan itu yang Saya alami sekarang yaitu Sakit Mata, maksud hati si mau kaya clen Uchiha Sacuke dengan jhutsu saringan tapi sayang melesat jauh.Bermula dari si Cinta terkena, lama-lama saya juga, Adik saya, dan ditambah Ibu saya sekarang terkena juga….yah, ibarat system harus di repair or di Format. Apalagi organ tubuh, khusus’y bagian mata harus di cleaning total. Bermacam cara saya lakukan, dari memakai sirih, kencing pagi, cendol xitrol, dan terakhir pake OTem.Tetep masih.. Merah juga 😀.Doain yah moga sembuh..Aamiin.